Marina life hasn't changed much while we've been away, the pair of Swans are now down to 3 young, 7 eggs, 5 hatched 2 died, the last a victim of a discarded fishing line.
We took the Laptop in to Boldmere Computers in Sutton Coldfield on Thursday to have it checked for viruses we got it back the same day, however Saturday morning the problem was back so it was over to the shop again, same virus, they cleared it again but we have booked it in for a prolonged diagnosis check next week, good job all this is covered by our service contract.
My trusty old Nokia N95 phone failed as well while we away, the LCD screen had an internal fault, I took it to a mobile phone shop in Lichfield who could only offer to sell me a new one, but when they realised I wasn't going to buy they pointed me towards Monkey Mobile, a small shop that repairs phones, the lad in there was on the ball and could order and replace the screen assembly, I picked it up on Saturday morning all fixed and my wallet is now £40 lighter, the Nokia is getting on a bit now and is not as flash as Jayne's I Phone but I like it and it has an excellent camera.
Glastonbury looked a bit grim on Friday night as we watched U2 on Television from our nice dry boat, a call from our Daughter confirmed they were ankle deep in mud, however things are drying up now down there and with the high temperature today that mud should be nicely baked on!!!.
Happy New Year 2025
2 months ago